Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Okay, so I know it isn't spring but I have been doing some mad cleaning... in my car. You would not guess the amount of CRAP that has accumulated in my trunk since the last time I cleaned it (sometime around last Christmas). Since pictures speak 1000 words...

The beginning. I was a little intimidated.

Making progress...

Finally finished!!

I could even get in it haha!

So after a HUGE bag of trash, a load of laundry, and many, many nursing books removed from my trunk, I can finally say it is cleaned out! I'm so glad I've got this much done... if you know anything about me, you know I pretty much lived out of my car for a long time. Now I can actually put things in my trunk if I need to! The next step is getting the interior really REALLY clean. Wish me luck!


  1. يساهم الكثير من الأيدي العاملة فى حمل قطع العفش ووضعها على الونش.
    يتم رفع العفش عن طريق أيدي عاملة فى حال استعمال الونش اليدوى ذو الأحبال القوية أما لو كان بواسطة ونش كهربائى فيكلف مشرف أو اثنين بالإشراف علي عملية تشغيله للتأكد من صحته و سلامة الأشياء المنقولة عن طريقه.شركة نقل عفش


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