Monday, January 21, 2013

The Facts of Me

I know I've already done a post similar to this, but that's okay. You can never know too much about a person, right? Well, I guess you can... but I promise not to reveal any thing to weird cause I still want you to be my friend.

1. I haven't had cable TV or satellite in over a year. I'm okay with this.
2. When I take a shower, the curtain has to be stuck to the walls on both sides. If not, I'm unable to bathe myself in peace.
3. I'm an Auburn fan. War Eagle!
4. Now that I've graduated nursing school, I paint my nails at least twice a week.

5. I wear five pieces of jewelry. A ring, necklace, and pair of stud earrings from my grandmother, a ring from my mom, and the watch I got for Christmas. Rarely will you catch me with anything additional.
6. My hair gets dyed a different color about twice a year.
My hair when it air dries. Just kidding. Or am I?
7. I do my best to go to the gym five days a week. My original plan was to look like a supermodel by summer, but I'm coming to the realization that it's all about loving yourself.
8. Sometimes I pick my nose. Whoops, that was a little on the weird side.
9. I love dancing and singing. Especially at the same time.

10. I cried at my 20th birthday party as everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" from being emotionally overwhelmed at all of the love I felt.
11. I chew my straws.
12. I can tie a knot in a cherry stem.

13. My pet peeve is when people tap their feet/bounce their leg on something. Gah.
14. I really really dislike putting clothes away. At any given time you can find piles of clothes on my dryer or couch. They're all folded, I just can't bring myself to put them away. It just seems pointless.
15. I have discovered that it is really hard to think of facts about yourself.

Yes, that is a live lizard.

16. My least favorite part about getting ready is blow drying my hair. It makes me sweaty.
17. I lived in 11 different houses/apartments.
18. I get really excited about Disney classics. (I got three movies on dvd for Christmas and nearly cried)
19. I doubt I'll ever get tired of Harry Potter.

20.I'd rather be sweating my (hypothetical) balls off than be cold. I'm from the south. Give me sunshine or give me death.
21. I'm an Aries. What's yo sign?
22. I'm a serial photobomber

23. Before I was a blogger I was a lurker. You know, just hanging around on peoples blogs reading about their lives without commenting.
24. I take an ridiculous amount of selfies.

25. I am currently living with my boyfriend and  his family. Its interesting to say the least.
26. I'm an LPN working on becoming an RN. Read more about that long journey here.
27. A glass of wine is the perfect ending to a bad day. Or a good one. Heck, any day.
28. I really like cats. Don't get me wrong I love dogs, too. But cats are so funny. And cute.

Here's a picture of said cute cat for a visual.
Today I'm linking up with Whitney at I Wore Yoga Pants. You should too so I can read random facts about your life cause I'm nosy like that.


Meg O. said...

Your kitty is adorable!!!

Melanie Montgomery said...

I'm with you on putting clothes away. I love to do laundry. I love starting a load in the washer, and then folding it and taking it out of the dryer. I HATE putting them away. I usually leave them on the dryer all folded and let my husband put them away.

Kalyn P said...

Haha not my cat, but I do have one and she's pretty awesome. I guess I should have explained that I also like roaming around the internet looking at random pics/vids of kitty cats.

Kalyn P said...

Maybe one day i'll get a husband to do that too..

Kisha Jaggers said...

New Follower! I found you through this fun link up! When you have time.. stop by → ← and if you like what you see.. follow back! Happy Tuesday! K Jaggers

Rachel said...

Hi- I'm a new follower from the linkup! Loving your blog & can't wait to read more :) Hope you have a great day!

Brandi said...

New follower from the linkup! I love cats too :) I also love Harry Potter, hate folding laundry... We seem to agree on a lot. Looking forward to getting to know you better!

Kaeley said...

I completely agree with #13 and #18!! I HATE blowing my hair - and some days wine is my very best friend!!

-from your newest follower!

Whitney Ellen said...

Girl, I totally have piles of folded clothes ALL. OVER. the place. I feel your pain.

And the wine? Yes. You couldn't be more right!! Always the perfect end to ANY day!

Nikki said...

New follower from Whitney!! I chew my straws and adore Harry Potter! and wine...definitely wine.

Savanah said...

I'm a crazy cat lady so you sold me with that last picture ;) haha!
Stopping by from the linkup!

Alisa Marie said...

That's awesome you haven't had cable for a year, it's such a distraction from getting stuff done! I love kitties too, I have 2, 7 month old kittens that we adopted and they are so cute and fun!

New Follower

Morgan said...

Oh my gosh I do the same thing with my shower curtain! And I HAVE to dry off bedore I get out. There's nothing I hate more than a wet bathroom rug!

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