Wednesday, February 27, 2013

That one time Destiny's Child saved my life

Check out Bey, rockin' the ombre hair before it was cool.
Okay so maybe they didn't literally save my life. But they saved me from quitting my run on the treadmill. **Side note: I hate the treadmill. We do not get along at all** So there I was, running along at a moderate pace and I was just about to call it quits and "I'm a Survivor" starts playing on Pandora Workout (which I normally don't even listen to) and I was able to finish my run in under my goal time. I almost even started singing but then I remembered it wasn't a Saturday night at Chucks Marina and I didn't have a microphone in one hand with a beer in the other. But that's another story. My point is, I've got to have some good jamz going while I'm getting my cardio in, especially running on the treadmill since it's so incredibly boring. I mean, who's not going to run faster when Pre-Sasha-Fierce-BeyoncĂ© is talking singing about surviving and not giving up?

So what are my favorite jamz to run to, you ask? Currently I'm loving any kind of electronica or techno music. The beats and fast paced music easily get me pumped up and running faster. I also am a big fan of late 90's/early 00's hip hop. Especially the ones I can sing along to.

Do you listen to music during a workout?

If so, what's your favorite genre or artist?


Sarah said...

I HAVE to listen to music when I run. And it's almost guaranteed that I'll break out into song and possibly some sort of dance while running. Oops!

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