Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I can't believe...

I can't believe that it's daggum March 27th in Alabama and it is 50 degrees outside. Come on Mother Nature, get it together. I wan to go to the beach, like yesterday.

I can't believe my birthday is less than one week away. I love birthdays because they're all about ME, duh. But I also can't believe that I'll be 23. It feels like yesterday I was just turning 21 and finally celebrating being legal, and just the day before that I was 16 getting my drivers license and buying my first car.

My 20th birthday.
Drinking a flaming shot on my 21st Birthday. Probably the nastiest shot ever to enter my system.
Celebrating my 22nd Birthday in style.

I know I'm probably too young to be wishing this, but I really wish time would slow down some. I'm having too good of a time for it to be flying by so quickly.

I can't believe that I'm finally seeing some progress in the weight loss department. I had lost 11 lbs and was stuck there for weeks. I woke up and weighed this morning and had lost 2 more pounds. Go me! Only 8 more to go until I finally reach my goal.

I can't believe it is about to me mine and Derek's anniversary. It feels like we just met yesterday, when it was really over two years ago.
Tailgating in Auburn last year.
We're celebrating by going to Talladega in May and I couldn't be more excited.
Linking up with Robin from The Sunshine Diaries!

And Shanna for Random Wednesday!


Brittany said...

Seriously life is going way too fast! I turn 23 in November, I am trying to figure out where my life went, I am about to be in my mid twenties!! Say what?

Awesome job with the weight loss

Autumn @ The Unreal Life said...

I turn 23 in August and am shocked. I'm so confused. I was just in college like...yesterday, right?