Monday, June 24, 2013

I'll take some chardonnay with that supermoon

Due to my super awesome school schedule, I've found that the best days for me to work are on the weekends. Including this weekend. Friday, I drove the better part of two hours to take a math test that would determine whether or not I could continue in the RN program I'm in.
After that I rewarded myself with a trip to Ross, where I always find amazeball deals but this time I was a little disappointed. I only came out with one dress and one sports bra. Not that I really needed either of those things, but that's not really the point here.
A selfie just because.
Saturday and Sunday I worked twelve hours and I somehow managed to still get enough pictures to have a decent blog post. Priorities, right? 
Most days I like to eat lunch in the break room like a normal person. But, sometimes people are weird in the break room. Or they talk too loud on their cell phones. Or sometimes I just don't want to socialize. Hence, car lunch breaks. They're pretty legit. So are summery lunches like this pile of fruit and chicken salad. Yummaay in my tummaay.
Saturday night Derek went bow-fishing with one of his friends (yes, this is where you shoot fish with a compound bow/arrow/reel) and I decided to make the most of it with redbox and chardonnay.
I rented Pitch Perfect, which I absolutely loved loved loved. And It's on my list of things I need to buy, like yesterday. I seriously could have watched it again, but I was feeling the wine and I knew I had a 5 a.m. alarm clock in my future. Speaking of feeling the wine, you know how people have these "tells" and they always know when they are "feeling" the alcohol. Well I never thought I had one of those until now. I don't know if its a new thing or I never noticed it, but my ears get pretty hot and red. Who knew? 
It was also the super moon (largest/closest full moon of the year) Saturday night. I was impressed. We live in the middle of no where with no street lights. So that tree you see on the right is only lit up from the moon. Fun story: my FIL tried to lock me out of the house while I was out taking the picture on the right.

Sunday really isn't even worth mentioning unless you want to hear some really gross nursing stories.
Link up with Sami and share your weekend shenanigans!
Happy Monday!!
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Tami said...

Yes!!! I love that you take car lunch breaks! Sometimes I legit just circle the block because I cannot be bothered to deal with people... Sometimes ya just need silence

Cotton and Boots said...

First of all, I'm in love with your tumbler. War Eagle! Second of all, Pitch Perfect is my top movie, ever. So just for those two things, you seriously made my Monday morning.

Congrats on your kick a grade. I know you were nervous about it!

Jackie said...

Unfortunately my ears, my cheeks all turn bright red when I drink. It is annoying. It doesn't matter if it's 1 or 6 drinks...

Kaeley said...

Pitch Perfect is one of my all-time favorite movies.

Anonymous said...

That fruit salad looks phenomenal! Looks like you had a great weekend. Congrats on passing the test!

Emily Hornburg said...

Hi from Mingle Monday! And yeah Pitch Perfect! Yours is the second blog to write about it that I've read today, and I had a conversation with someone about it yesterday. I think I might need to watch it tonight...

Melissa said...

I love the two different tweets! congratz!

Love, The mind of an exchange

brooke lyn said...

ahh my ears get just like that! and my chest gets all red and flushed. ugh.

Morgan said...

Yay for finally watching Pitch Perfect!

Carly @ The Pinot Project said...

Pitch Perfect is amazing. I watched it on a flight and was literally laughing out loud. My husband kept shushing me, haha.

Amie said...

Glad you liked Pitch Perfect, it's a good one! I even have the soundtrack!

Brittany said...

When I drink my cheeks turns pink and get hot :( I am still not sure if this is every single time or not though, guess I should drink more often to find out ;)