Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February Goals

I kind of (totally) dropped the ball in January when it came to making goals. Basically my only goal was to sleep when I could because we were going balls to the wall working on our house, in addition to myself working a lot of (unexpected) overtime.

But we pushed through and survived January without any injuries and now February has started and I feel like I can take a deep breath in and say "oh yeah, we've started a new year." And with a new  year means new goals which means new things to try and all kinds of other fun stuff.
This month I want to:

Establish a cleaning schedule
Not that I didn't keep a clean house before (okay I'll admit there was the occasional cat-hair-tumbleweed but I'm blaming hardwood flooring) but the week usually consisted of me doing some light cleaning (read: washing dishes and picking up clutter) and leaving all the "real" cleaning to be done on weekends. During the winter, this isn't too much of a bad thing because I don't really like leaving my house when it's cold but with warmer weather right around the corner, I want to get in the habit of knocking out some heaving cleaning during the weeks so I can spend my weekends having fun.

Blog regularly
I still haven't gotten into a groove with this whole "blogging regularly" thing and I want to fix it. I have all the ideas, it's the time management part that seems to be escaping me. I also haven't figured out what "regularly" means to me yet - I think I want to try for three times a week but that Monday morning post always seems to elude me. Anyone have any tips or tricks for getting shit done when it comes to planning blog posts?

Try two new recipes
Originally I was going to say five new recipes, but that's more than one per week and new recipes require a lot of thought and planning and I'm just going to be very honest and say that when I come home from work, thinking and planning are not on the top of my priority list. So this month, I will aim to try two new recipes. I want to try one new dinner recipe and one new dessert recipe.

Visit Churches
I've discussed many times before how real the struggle is when it comes to finding a church home - and now I feel like I've got to start the process all over again with our recent move. Thankfully we've been invited to attend church with several of our new neighbors, and even if it doesn't feel like a good fit for us, it will be an opportunity to meet new people in our community.

What are your goals this month?


Unknown said...

I am a big list person myself and find it handy to have monthly goals. But just like you, I let January pass by! This post reminded me that I need to make my list for February. Cleaning will definitely be part of my list as well.

Unknown said...

Blogging regularly is something that I really struggle with too. Between classes and club meetings and homework, I just never seem to get the time to blog like I'd like to- and it's totally a time management thing, like you said! I actually made an editorial calendar last night to help me, so we'll see how that goes. I decided to plan posts for 4 days a week. Seeing what I have outlined has helped me so far to get motivated to write and schedule posts!

Breakfast at Lillys said...

I would love to establish a cleaning schedule as well!
We're about to get a house in a few months so I need to get on top of it.

Thanks for joining in on the link-up today :)

xoxo, Jenny

Macy V said...

Establishing a cleaning schedule is top of my list as well! I feel like I clean everyday, yet everything is still messy. This calls for a lot of purging.

It has been so difficult to find a church home, for us too. I hope you are able to find one soon!

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

I cannot imagine coming home from work and cleaning. I'd love to leave my weekends free, but I just don't see any actual cleaning happening during the week for me. I've been blogging regular as in 1x per week! Which is fine for me. Good luck reaching your goals. Let's just pretend the New Year starts in Feb (since Jan flew by so fast anyway) and call it a do over on goals.

Jessie Jones said...

I'm just going to say "ditto" to goals 1-3 for February. And for 4, get to my church! :-)

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll share your new recipes with us!

Lisa @ Naptime Chai said...

Time management and blogging... UGH - I feel your pain. The struggle is so real over here.

Blogger said...

If you'd like an alternative to casually flirting with girls and trying to find out the right thing to say...

If you'd rather have women pick YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in crowded bars and restaurants...

Then I encourage you to view this short video to unveil a shocking little secret that might get you your own harem of attractive women:


good days said...

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