Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A day behind

I know it's Tuesday and not Monday but whatevs, here's my weekend update:

Friday, I spent the day lounging around my apartment waiting on the BF to arrive from school. Then he and I drove to Bristol, FL to watch my little brother play football. Kevin is a senior this year and plays quarterback for Northview (also my Alma Mater). The 3.5 hour drive was well worth it, because the Chiefs spanked dat tail. This was the third round of the playoffs and if they won (which they did) they would move on to play in the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP game in Orlando.

Kevin on the sidelines (I know its blurry, darn my phone).
Awkward squat
Me and Kev after the game. So proud of him.
I decided to come back to the stands after getting my foot stepped on... but here's all of our fans after rushing the field.
Saturday, after getting just a few hours of sleep, I went to work. Man that was tough. But, gotta make that paper, ya know. Saturday night D and I chillaxed at the house with pizza and a redbox, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World with Steve Carrell and Keira Knightenly. It was alright, I have to admit I like Kiera better in period films.
Sunday, was filled with work again. And coming home and falling in to bed at 8:30 and passing out with all my clothes on and lights on in my apartment because I was so exhausted. This later resulted in my waking up rather forcefully not knowing where I was or really even who I was around 2:30 am. Oh well, that 10 hours of sleep on a work night was nice.
How was your weekend?
I'm linking up with the Weekend Update!