Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Recap

This Christmas was a little different from any other Christmas I've ever had..... I had to work. But that's okay because I have an awesome family that is willing to accommodate my crazy holiday schedule. I was able to visit my family for the whole weekend + Monday. I attended church with them where I received a great message, cooked like a champ with my Mama, saw some family I haven't seen in a long time, and exchanged gifts with my parents and brother. Then we came back and did Christmas with D's family last night. Everything was so wonderful and I wouldn't have had it any other way. So here's my recap:

In front of the tree at my parents. The mounted deer is just the cherry on top.

My family after church. Yeah, my dad really wore that sweater.

Broski and his main squeeze.
Us with the fur babies. At the last moment they decided to be weird.
Since Derek was the only one not wearing anything "Christmas-y" he got to wear the Santa hat.
Awkward present-opening face.
Myself, Derek and his mother. You wouldn't guess how many tries it took to get this picture right. 
Another tree picture.
Some of my favorite gifts:
Vera Bradley overnight bag. I absolutely love this print.
Of course my watch from my love.

My mom got me a HP paperback set. I know, I already have all the books but now I have them in paperback and hard-cover. Plus, I loaned one of my hard covers and never got it back so now my set is complete again.
And this is what I got Derek. I spent so long trying to figure out what to get him... he even made me a list but I wanted to surprise him. This is what I finally came up with and he loved it. I'm such an awesome girlfriend :).
Of course, Christmas is ultimately to celebrate the birth of our Savior. The best gift of all is that God sacrificed his only son to redeem us of our sins and give us eternal life and glory in Heaven.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16