Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Do you love pinterest? Do you love it as much as me? I don't know about that.... cause I freakin' love pinterest. I mean, I could sit there for hours and hours just scrolling through random pins about food, fashion, my non-existant wedding, and everything else in between that gives me all kinds of pinspiration. Last night, I was pinspired by this pin:

To wear this:
Tunic: JC Penny's; Belt: old; Leggings: Khol's; Boots: Dillards
I wore this little ensemble to dinner with my boo thang and his parents. It was the perfect combitnation of cute and comfy for a rainy evening. Ignore my unmade bed, yesterday was laundry day.
What pinspires you?

 Linking up with Laura and Stephanie.
The Vintage Modern Wife