Friday, March 22, 2013

To whom it may concern

So I'm sitting here, in my bed, at 9:47 on a Friday morning. I feel like ish ran over. I don't have anything to say except I want to go back to sleep. I can't even really be that excited about it being Friday, because I have to work the next three days, holla! Don't get me wrong, I love being a nurse, but sometimes I wish I had a M-F job. Such is life. Since I'm being lazy and don't feel like using my noodle, I'm going to write some letters.

Dear Head, you have been hurting me all week. First a migraine that sent me home from work, and now just dull throbbing. Please stop. I don't even remember the last time I had an alcoholic beverage (okay it was last weekend) but really, I haven't over done it so I don't know why you're punishing me.

Dear Craisins, I don't know why you have to be so addicting, but you are. I seriously cannot go one day without stuffing hundreds of tiny dried cranberries into my mouth. (At least you're better than the reeses eggs that have made their way into my belly)

Dear Laundry, you have been washed, dried, carried up the stairs, and folded. Can't you just put yourself away? Why do I have to do everything for you?

Dear Phone, I'm sorry I forgot to charge you last night. Thanks for not dying at the gym, I really needed Pandora today.

Dear Derek, you know I love you so much. But no, I will not tell you what I want for my Birthday. Especially not after that water bottle incident yesterday. But really, thanks for loving me back always even when I'm a crazy person. That's why you da best.

Love, Kalyn

In honor of my birthday being two weeks away:
(Sorry Mom, you're probably not going to appreciate this one) 

When I die, bury me inside the booty club.


Nadine said...

I'm really glad I'm not the only one who does this with craisins! OMG those things are addicting. I buy them to put them in a recipe and then I wind up killing the rest of the bag in like a week lol. Stopping by from Friday's Letters!

Unknown said...

I'm an RN that works every weekend! I think as soon as I'm finished getting my bachelors (i just have an associates) I'm going to try something different since there are a few 9-5 nursing jobs.

Anonymous said...

I have been in the same boat with that my-life-is-over morning feeling. It is terrible to wake up like that, right? I ask my laundry the same question! Please let me know if yours ever answers and gives a better solution besides us getting up and putting it all away. I know you said you are working, but I hope you find a moment to enjoy some of the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I am always jealous of my RN friends for their schedules. I suppose the grass is always greener :)

Victoria said...

fun letters :)

i adore your blog!

have a great weekend!

Sara Elizabeth said...

hm crasins are the best!

Brittany said...

mmm craisins. I have been snacking on them like crazy the past few weeks. My aunt bought me a HUGE bag of them from Sams Club