Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Curing NOtivation

Oh hey there, its me, posting in the middle of the afternoon like it ain't no thang.
I hate to call this a "weight loss" journey, so I'm not. I'm going to call it "I wasn't happy with myself, so I made some changes in my life." Throughout high school, I was fit, had a high metabolism, and could get away with eating pretty much whatever I wanted. Maybe because this was because I played sports year round and was constantly active. The point is, after high school, my body did some more growing. And not the kind I liked.
Throughout college, my weight bounced around, losing 5 here, gaining a few there. I went to the gym irregularly, or would run a mile or two when I felt like it, which wasn't too often. And last year I was weighing the highest I'd ever weighed, and feeling the lowest I'd ever felt. I was unhappy with the way I looked, and furthermore I was unhappy with myself for not taking care of me. It was time to make some changes.
April 2012 vs. June 2013 (-16 lbs)
I made the mistake of not taking pre-lifestyle change measurements. Whoops. But I do know what I weighed. And I do know what size clothes I wore. I do know what dresses/pants/tops I couldn't fit into anymore because of the weight I'd gained.

I became serious about going to the gym. I changed my eating habits. I slept more, drank less soda and more water, ate more fruits and less bacon. I will never say I'm on a diet, you will never hear me utter the words "I don't eat carbs." But I do moderate what I eat, I compromise, I substitute. If I'm reeeaaally craving a pizza, instead of going to Pizza Hut or the next greasy chain, I make myself a homemade veggie pizza with wheat crust, fresh peppers, mushrooms, onions, and tomatoes (now my mouth is watering).

These changes are all about what YOU are comfortable with. If you can say "I'm not going to drink soda again, ever" and you can stick to that, by all means, do it! I don't have a "goal" per say, except to remain healthy and to always feel good about myself. And if I can lose a couple pounds/inches in the process, I'll take that too!

Mal Smiles
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brooke lyn said...

love this! i think you nailed it no the head when you said it isn't a weight loss journey, because sure that is part of it, but that is not the only part. it's all about a life style change. i don't believe in cutting everything out, just learning to live with a healthy dose of moderation and the 80/20 rule :)

Meredith @ Barbell Wardrobe said...

you go girl! I'm in the same boat, its been a long journey but we've made a lot of changes in what we eat and we're getting better most days. its a lifestyle change. For example: i only allow my self soda if i'm eating fast food and it comes with the mean and we don't eat fast food often.

Tracie Everyday said...

What you say is so true! You can't make any lasting changes by cutting out everything you enjoy-- everything in healthy moderation. For my pizza cravings, I make bbq chicken pizza on a thin wheat crust, YUM!

Kaylin said...

Love this post it is so true. And I say bodies are always a work in progress, we have to nourish it the right way to get what we need!!!

Kristine -Heart Shaped Sweat said...

way to go girlie! This is awesome!! I love how you set your goal to just stay healthy and always feel good about yourself. That's all the way strong! And homemade pizza's... mmm,mmm good!!

Kaeley said...

I really needed a little bit of motivation this week *as I sit here eating a slice of previously frozen pizza!!*

Thanks for that little kick in the butt....Good thing I hit the gym tonight! I have always fluctuated a little in my weight, but am definitely not happy with where I am. Time to get to work on that!

Anonymous said...

hey! we must be great thinkers cuz i wrote a post kinda like this today!!!!!! :)

Jay T said...

"I was unhappy with the way I looked, and furthermore I was unhappy with myself for not taking care of me."

Bingo. I feel guilty for not taking care of myself. I know what's healthy and what's not, and constantly making bad choices is unhealthy in every way! Keep it up!!


Mallory said...

Thanks so much for linking up! It's crazy what a lifestyle change can do for your body & mind! I am happy to be your newest follower! xoxo, Mal

Unknown said...

Great story! I'm about in the same boat. I was really active in high school and college with dance where I was practicing 3 times a week but now that I'm not on a dance team anymore I have to work extra hard just to maintain my weight. I would like to be down 10 pounds but really struggle with this thing called a chocolate addiction ;)