Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Night owl, I am not

I don't know about you, but it seems like the minute I graduated college, my ability to stay up past midnight quickly faded. These days a 9 pm bed time and 8 full hours of sleep sounds so good I can almost taste it.

The last two nights, however I've had some late nights, and it's taking a toll on me. Monday, I had clinicals from 3-11 plus an hour and a half drive to get home. I was one tired puppy. Last night, I was called in to work until 11:30. Thankfully I didn't have the long drive afterward but I still didn't get home until after midnight and today it is hitting me like a ton of bricks. All I want to do is take a nap even though I've only been awake for less than three hours.

I remember when all I needed was a Mountain Dew and a couple of slim jims, and I could stay up studying, reading, or doing homework until well past 1 or 2 a.m. Not to mention all of the weekends I stayed out with my friends until the wee morning hours, maybe even sunrise once or twice.

I'm not sure if its my priorities or my body or my lifestyle that has changed so much. But these days I'm in bed around 9 or 9:30 with a 4:30 wake up time (on mornings I work) and it doesn't seem to bother me a bit. When I go out with friends, I'm usually ready to go by 11 or 12, and Derek is always right behind me. I don't know if it's the stress of working a full time job, going to the gym every day, or just getting old that is making me cherish my sleep more than ever. I'm not saying I hate it, though.

Did anyone else experience this after college?
Are you an early bird or a night owl?

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Rachel said...

A "late night" for me after college is 11 p.m. Seriously. Staying up for a night out on the weekends is a huge struggle, especially since I'm in bed by 10 pm on the weekday nights. I get that I'm working longer hours now than I did back in college, but I feel like my body just sucks at staying awake now!

brooke lyn said...

half the time i fall asleep on the couch by like 8:45. I make 9:15-9:30 my bedtime more nights than not and i don't even feel bad about it.

Cotton and Boots said...

I'm definitely a morning person - I was that way in college too, but I could handle the raging in the early hours of the morning. Now, I'm happy going home around 11 (although I do have those sporadic college moments where I rage on!)

But morning bird fits me to a tee.

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I used to be able to stay up so late. I still can, on the rare late night out with friends.

But during the week I'd love to be asleep by 9. I was last night! Unfortunately it's more like 11.

Autumn @ The Unreal Life said...

I'm definitely a night owl. I get so relaxed that I just don't want to sleep, I'm like 'finally! time to do what I want to do instead of just work!'

The Jessa Olson Blog said...

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who is like this. In college I use to do so much, and now I'm lucky if I get a blog post. haha

Thanks for sharing.

Jenni@FlyingOnARainbow said...

Give me lots of sleep any day! Especially this week, for some reason - it's 8.30pm now and I'm thinking of heading to bed fairly soon! I can still (just about) party til late... But only if I can spend the next day catching up on lost sleep!

Postcards from Rachel said...

I never stay up late anymore. And if I do, it's because I'm reading a good book and can't put it down! I'd rather day drink on the beach than party at night. :)

Sara Elizabeth said...

I can still stay up late but waking up any time before 9:30 is awful!

Brittany said...

I haven't even graduated college and in like this!! Sad

Post Grad in the City said...

I am right there with you! I was definitely a night owl in college, but now I am exhausted by 10 and I get up at 5:30. But even though I'm tired early, I still haven't adjusted enough to this schedule to go to sleep that early, so I am always sleepy!!

Kaylin said...

Story of my life.
Is it just a college thing? It's like magic what college can do for you!!!

Tracie Everyday said...

I've had the same problem! I work part-time at an oncall job, so I worked from 10pm-6:30am this morning and was like a zombie by 2! The previous night I was there until 1:30am and got up at 7am... Now, I feel like bleh!!!! Where did akl my powers go?