Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Green Smoothie Challenge

For those of you that don't know, this week I'm participating in the Green Smoothie Challenge hosted by Katherine who blogs over at Real Food Runner. Her blog is filled with tons of healthy and yummy recipes that I'm dying to try out. The only rule of the challenge is that you have to drink at least one green smoothie every day for seven days (April 22-28).

Day 1 
I was a little short on supplies since I hadn't done my weekly grocery shopping yet (I worked the weekend) so I kinda just threw some things together.
1/2 cup milk
2 handfuls of spinach
1 apple (the red kind)
1 handful of blueberries
1 cup fresh pineapple
1 Chobani plain greek gogurt
This smoothie was not the best. It was the yogurt, I know it. I wanted the smoothie to be a little on the thick side, so I added the yogurt since I had no bananas. Bad idea. It didn't completely ruin the smoothie, but it left it tasting very tart. Now I know better.
Day 2
Yesterday I cheated a little. Like I said, still hadn't gone grocery shopping, so I just had a Green Machine by Naked Juices.
I'f you've never had one of these, please do. This was the first green thing I ever tried and I absolutely love them.
Day 3
Today I actually had food in my house and was able to try again on creating my own tasty smoothie.
1/2 cup fat free milk
1 handful baby spinach
1 medium banana
1/2 granny smith apple
1 kiwi
YUM. I'm not gonna lie I hit the nail on the head with this one. It has the perfect balance of sweet (banana) vs. tart (apple and kiwi) and I love it. I'm not going to say I'll make it every day this week because I want to try more/different recipes, but it will definitely be made again.
Linking up here and here. 


Beth Boone said...

The last smoothie you made sounds delish!! I'm going to have to try that! Stopping by from the link up. Good luck!!

Beth Boone said...

The last smoothie looks so delish! I'm def going to try that out! Stopping by from the link up. Good luck :)

~Anchored In Christ~ said...

Are these smoothies suppose to help you lose weight or what?

Kalyn P said...

Green smoothies are a great way to get plenty of fruit and veggie servings packed in to one, easy drink. I don't drink or make anything with the sole intent to "lose weight." I just try to make healthy decisions when it comes to my meals/meal planning.

Kristine -Heart Shaped Sweat said...

yes that last one sounds really good! I love adding in apples too! My hubby is obsessed.obsessed with all Naked drinks. They're breaking the bank but he swears he needs one everyday, haha!