Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A day in the life

The prompt for blog every day in May today is "A day in the life." So here is a typical work day of mine:
0430 - Wake up, get dressed, grab lunch for the day.
0450 - Leave for the gym
0515 - 0615 - Gym flow
0635 - Head to work
0700 - 1930 - Work (tons of fun!)
2000 - Get home, fix dinner, and socialize with my in-laws
2100 - Relaxing (playing COD, blogging, watching tv, etc)
2200 - BED.

Selfies in the break room, no biggie.
Wow when you break it down like that, it doesn't seem like much, but by 10 p.m. I am DONE. Like I physically can't function past that time. On days when I have to work late (until 9 or 10) I usually don't go to they gym the next day, unless I'm feeling extra peppy or I don't have to work. Then I can sleep in.
For those of you who don't know, I'm a nurse. I work at along term care facility (aka nursing home/rehab facility) and the hours are long and the work is grueling. I love my job, even when I hate it. Here's the part I don't like though, since I made the decision to go back to school, my employer cannot work around my schedule. Which has forced me to leave my full-time, permanent position, and work on a PRN (as needed) basis.
I am so torn, because even though I will be getting a much needed break, and I will be able to choose and control the hours/days that I work... I don't want to leave my patients. I will be leaving them in the hands of a brand spankin' new nurse (who I have been training the last week) and it has been a tough transition for me. I'm not going to get into the details because I want to respect the privacy of my co-worker. But I will ask this: will you pray (send good vibes or happy thoughts or whatever it is you do) for me and my co-worker as we make this transition together, because right now it's not easy for either of us. Ultimately it is about the well being of our patients.
Whew. When I started off writing this post, I was not headed in that direction, but sometimes I have no control over what my fingers type... it just kept coming out. Like word vomit. And I feel better. Even though I haven't shared what's really going on, I at least have a small amount of frustration off of my chest.
"Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their biggest strength and fatal flaw." -- Dr. Jean Watson, RN
Linking up with Shanna.


Alex[andra] said...

That's so awesome that you play COD after work. I love unwinding with video games sometimes too. :)

Aleshea said...

Haha, I was taking selfies at work to

Brooke said...

I got the kid I tutor to take my selfie today for the low! love your blog!

- Brooke

Rowena said...

Wow you get up early! Seems like you have a long day too, I would fall asleep at lunchtime ha ha.

Bad Luck Jenn said...

Aren't scrubs like the best?! New follower!