Thursday, June 6, 2013

What is a liebster anyway?

I've been nominated for the Leibster award three times now. A few days ago by the awesome Tami at Friday Morning Buzz and then two days later I was nominated by Emily and Heather. To say that I'm honored would be an understatement. And also really corny.

So what exactly is a "Leibster Award," you ask? Its not really an award since there are no winners, but it is a way to recognize smaller (under 200 followers) bloggers and let them tell a little about themselves. Here's how it works:
Acknowledge the blog(s) that nominated you
Tell 11 facts about yourself
Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created
List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition
Post 11 questions for them to answer and let them know they have been nominated
1. I'm in school to become an RN.
2. I'm already an LPN.
3. I have to sleep with the door closed and curtains pulled.
4. I can play call of duty like it's my job.
5. I would rather be on the water.
6. I would rather not have to work, but I love my job
7. I don't like running, but I signed up for a 5K (at the end of this week, eeep!)
8. My left foot is bigger than my right.
9. My birth mark is on my booty.
10. I have a freckle on the palm of my hand (which is really rare)
11. My favorite color is yellow
(since I was nominated by different people, I took a couple from each)
If you had an extra hour in the day, how would you spend it?
Sleeping! Seriously, I love to sleep and I don't get enough of it.

If you could only eat one thing every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Fruit. Specifically grapes. Usually I go through "fruit phases" where I'll eat one for a few weeks then quickly grow tired of it. Never happened with red seedless grapes.

Do your best friends/significant other/parents have any weird nicknames for you?
Not really. Everyone pretty much calls me by my name. Dang it now I want a nickname.

Link to one of your favorite blog posts you've ever written.
A little more about nursing and my mission trip to Honduras. I know that's two but rules were meant for breaking.

What's your favorite quote or words to live by?
"Above all, watch with glittering eyes the world around you because the greatest secrets are hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely"
--Roald Dahl (one of my favorite authors as a child, and still today)

What would I find in your purse at any given moment?
More receipts than I can count. My wallet. Sunglasses. Pen/pencil. Random trash.

What are you most excited for in your future?
Buying a home and starting my life with Derek!

What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
I would pay of all my debt, buy a new car, and buy an awesome house.

Tell us about an embarrassing moment.
Well I've already told you about when my boyfriend's dad saw me naked, and I don't think I could top that. But there was this one time, in middle school where I sneezed and farted at the same time during a quiet class. I tried to blame it on the weird kid that sat behind me but no one bought it.

What's your favorite book?
Oh that's tough, I could never choose one. I've read literally hundreds of books. Any of the Harry Potter books would suffice though.

Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
So many tough questions!! I absolutely love my baby Piper, but sometimes having a dog can be hard. They really are like children! Cats are so much more independent, but at the same time may not be as friendly.

(I used bloglovin as a reference for followers)
Shannon @ Imperfectly Perfect Grace
Chelsea @ Crazy Bullies
Brittany @ Blissfully Britt
Kenzie @ The Ashcraft Bunch
Alexandra @ Let Life be Like Music
Dana @ Kiss My List
Meighan @ Heavens to Meighan
McCall @ Whatcha McCall It
Jessa @ Life of a Sports Wife
Sarai @ Sureye
Morgan @ My Better Half & Me

What is your favorite thing to cook?
How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
What is your favorite color?
If you had an extra $100, what would you do with it today?
Do you paint your fingernails/toenails or both?
What is your favorite sport to watch, if any?
What is your least favorite chore around the house?
Where is your favorite place to shop?
What's your sign?
Which celebrity (living) would you like to spend an afternoon with?
An inspiring quote:

Please don't feel obligated to re-post, especially if you have already done so before. I know these things take a lot of time!
 photo signurature_zpsfdb16b28.png


Anonymous said...

awww thanks!!!! :)

Rachel said...

That Roald Dahl quote is one of my favorites, too!

Kaeley said... red grapes :)

Unknown said...

I nominated you too! I just forgot to tell you! so bad I know! You're my fellow nurse inspiration! And hilarious! Congrats on the award!

Heather T. said...

Thanks for doing it - I love your blog and you're one of the only ones who actually acknowledged my nomination, so now I love you even more :)